Robotech - Macross Pg 2
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More Robotech and Macross
Not just all Vertiech/Valkyries on this page

Size comparison pic
Every major player and their height. From right to left: Zentradi Female Warrior, Zentradi Female Power Armor, Zentradi Male Power armor, VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, Exedore, Breetai. And in the foreground An average sized human and the VF-1S Strike in fighter mode.
Female Power Armor
One of the deadliest peices of equipment out there
MAC 2 Monster Destroid
Orgasmic amount of firepower
Spartan Destroid
Missiles, Missiles and more Missiles.....
The Excalibur Destroid
The balance between missiles and guns...
Radar X Destroid
Anti-Aircraft at its best.
The Gladiator Destroid
Hand to Hand Combat and a couple of missiles for the extra punch.

"For a man out to cook history's greatest omelet, You're awfully squeamish about breaking your eggs."